Frequently asked questions:

Q: What is Recovery on the River Jamboree? A: Recovery on the River Jamboree is an inclusive event practicing recovery, unity, and service. We aim to celebrate sobriety and carry the message of recovery to alcoholics and everyone affected by alcoholism.

Q: When is Recovery on the River Jamboree? A: October 6-8, 2023.

Q: Where is Recovery on the River Jamboree taking place? At the Best Western Plus Eau Claire Conference Center.

Q: What are the roles and responsibilities of Host Committee members? A: The following chair persons are the operating committee designated to hosting the Recovery on the River Jamboree and the outreach events leading up the conference.  Each position lists a general job description and a recommended sobriety and/or participation suggestion.  It is a general expectation that all chairpersons will be actively sponsored in their recovery program.  It is a hope of the founder’s of the Recovery on the River Jamboree that all of the committees will have participation from AA, Al-Anon- and Alateen whenever possible.

Chair – Chairperson oversees the entire convention; coordinates the work of subcommittee chairpersons; keeps informed on the progress of all the arrangements; calls and chairs committee meetings when needed.  Chairperson will also be a signer on the checking account. (2 years sober/participation)

Secretary – Secretary keeps all written records, including minutes of the committee meetings; also sends out notices of committee meetings and other mailings to committee members. (6 months sober/participation)

Treasurer – Treasurer is, of course, responsible for all money, including revenues from registration and banquet tickets; pays all bills; usually advises the chairperson on cash supply and income flow as well as rate of expenditures. Experience indicates it’s best if the treasurer is a person with four or more years’ sobriety and some solid business experience. Each check usually calls for two signatures. Most convention committees require a complete report from the treasurer within a month or two of the convention. Some committees have the report audited as a further safeguard for convention funds. (5 years sober/participation)

Co-Treasurer – Treasurer is, of course, responsible for all money, including revenues from registration and banquet tickets; pays all bills; usually advises the chairperson on cash supply and income flow as well as rate of expenditures. Experience indicates it’s best if the treasurer is a person with four or more years’ sobriety and some solid business experience. Each check usually calls for two signatures. Most convention committees require a complete report from the treasurer within a month or two of the convention. Some committees have the report audited as a further safeguard for convention funds. (5 years sober/participation)

Program – Program Chairperson. Since this is often a very complex job, its objectives are discussed under the separate heading “What Makes a Good Convention Program?” This person usually sends invitations to speakers and panel members who chair various meetings.  This person will also make sure the main speakers are recorded and available for purchase. (1 year sober/participation)

Registration – Registration Chairperson supervises the production and distribution of all tickets, including those from online registrations. This job requires special attention to the task of tracking payments and bringing in the collection. This person is responsible for creating printed and online registration forms, name tags and welcome packets; and oversees the registration table. (1 year sober/participation)

PI/Outreach – Public Information Chairperson has the sensitive task of encouraging a large attendance without abandoning A.A.’s principle of “attraction rather than promotion.” Publicity efforts can be kept within the dignity and spirit of A.A. through the following means: a. Preparation and distribution of material about the program, speakers, and time and location of the convention (perhaps including map of area, if necessary). It’s advisable for the convention committee to rent a post office box and/or create a generic email address, and use that on all mailings, with no reference to A.A. on return addresses or in email subject lines. When sending A.A. mail to multiple recipients use can be made of the BCC (Blind Courtesy Copy) option to protect the anonymity of all recipients. The convention publicity material could also be sent to the press, radio, and TV outlets in the immediate area. (The Public Information Workbook, available from G.S.O., gives useful advice on approaching the media.) If media or the general public are invited, be sure to attend to the details of how they will be greeted and if special meetings or contacts will be set up for them. b. Regular flyers about the convention are usually mailed monthly to all groups in the area, with the first mailing beginning about six months before the convention date. c. Dates and location of the convention, with a mailing address, and/or website, for information or registration, should be sent four months in advance to the A.A. Grapevine and to Box 4‑5‑9, to be published in their calendars. Only area, regional, state, or provincial events of more than one day’s duration are listed. Send A.A.

Grapevine notices to the GV Editorial Department, 475 Riverside Dr., New York, NY 10115 or submit to the online calendar at Send Box 4‑5‑9 notices to Box 4-5-9, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163, or via the Box 4‑5‑9 event information form on

This committee should also include the webmaster.

This person will be responsible for coordinating quarterly events leading up to the conference. (1 years sober/participation)

Entertainment – Entertainment Chairperson will arrange for the convention dances and floor show if there is one. The chairperson hires the band and other performers (or arranges for recorded music). At some conventions, the local A.A.s provide entertainment by putting on a play about A.A. Traditions (for script, write to G.S.O.), or putting together choruses and variety shows. This chairperson might also arrange to make sightseeing available for conventioneers.  This position will also suggest and arrange for convention merchandise to be available leading up to and at the convention. (1 year sober/participation)

Hospitality – Hospitality Chairperson serves as convention host, organizing a committee that will greet out-of-town guests, arrange transportation for them when necessary, and see to any other needs they might have while attending the convention. Usually members of the hospitality committee wear special identification badges and are available to answer questions and provide assistance to conventioneers. Arranges for hospitality room.  (1 year sober/participation)

Facility – Special Accommodations, this person will ensure conference needs are met by the facility as well as the conference is in accordance with hotel policies.  This person will also ensure any special accommodations needed by attendees are met.  (2 years sober/participation, past conference experience)

3-At-Large Member (5 year sober/participation) Must consists of both AA and Al-Anon

Executive committee consists of Chair, treasurer, and 3 at-large-members.

Conference Decisions will be approved by the host committees and not sub-committees, decisions will be made by simple majority.